9 класс. Английский язык. Типы вопросов

9 класс. Английский язык. Типы вопросов

Комментарии преподавателя

Спе­ци­аль­ный во­прос 

Спе­ци­аль­ные во­про­сы на­чи­на­ют­ся со спе­ци­аль­но­го во­про­си­тель­но слова.

My friend skated in the park two days ago.

- Did my friend skate in the park two days ago?

-Yes, he did.

-Where did he skate two days ago?

-He skated in the park.

-When did my friend skate in the park?

-He skated in the park two days ago.

Об­ра­ти­те вни­ма­ние!

И в общем во­про­се, и в спе­ци­аль­ном, вспо­мо­га­тель­ный гла­гол Did стоит перед под­ле­жа­щим.

Bo drew a nice picture yesterday.

- Did Bob draw a nice picture yesterday?

-Yes, he did.

-What did Bob draw yesterday?

- He drew a nice picture.

-When did Bob draw a nice picture?

- He drew a picture yesterday.

 Kate saw a white bear at the Zoo last week.

- Did Kate saw a white bear at the Zoo last week?

-Yes, she did.

-What did Kate see at the Zoo last week?

-She saw a white bear.

-Where did Kate see a white bear last week?

-She saw a white bear at the Zoo.

- When did Kate see a white bear at the Zoo?

- She saw a white bear last week.







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