Герундий. Формы и функции герундия

Герундий. Формы и функции герундия

Комментарии преподавателя

Су­ще­ству­ют гла­го­лы, после ко­то­рых может ис­поль­зо­вать­ся как ге­рун­дий, так и ин­фи­ни­тив, но при этом зна­че­ния фраз, ко­то­рые они будут об­ра­зо­вы­вать, будут от­ли­чать­ся.

Рас­смот­рим при­ме­ры:

I like reading fantasy and science fiction.

I liked to read ‘Harry Potter’.

После гла­го­ла like мы ис­поль­зу­ем ге­рун­дий, когда го­во­рим об общих пред­по­чте­ни­ях, и ин­фи­ни­тив, когда го­во­рим о более кон­крет­ных вещах.

Рас­смот­рим гла­го­лы, ко­то­рые имеют раз­ное зна­че­ние в со­че­та­нии с ин­фи­ни­ти­вом и с ге­рун­ди­ем:


Stop + gerund = stop doing smth

He stopped drinking coffee because he liked tea more. – Он бро­сил пить кофе, по­то­му что ему боль­ше нра­вил­ся чай.

Stop + to infinitive = pause to do smth

He stopped to buy some food. – Он оста­но­вил­ся, чтобы ку­пить еды.


Regret + to infinitive = be sorry to (usually formal expression)

regret to inform you that you have failed the test. – Мне жаль со­об­щать вам, но вы про­ва­ли­ли тест.

Regret + gerund = feel sorry about

regret quarrelling with my best friend. – Я жалею о том, что по­ссо­рил­ся со своим луч­шим дру­гом.


Remember + to infinitive = not to forget

She remembered to lock the door. – Она не за­бы­ла за­крыть дверь.

Remember + gerund = to recall a past event

remember travelling by plane for the first time. – Я помню, как летел на са­мо­ле­те в пер­вый раз.


Forget + to infinitive = not remember

forgot to buy the newspaper. – Я забыл ку­пить га­зе­ту.

Forget + gerund = to forget a past event

forgot meeting him before. – Я забыл, что встре­чал его рань­ше.


Try + to infinitive = do one’s best, attempt

I will try to learn this rule. – Я по­ста­ра­юсь вы­учить это пра­ви­ло.

Try + gerund = do smth as an experiment (maybe, it will do some good)

If you can’t sleep, try drinking some milk. – Если ты не мо­жешь уснуть, по­про­буй вы­пить мо­ло­ка. (Вдруг это по­мо­жет тебе уснуть.)


По­тре­ни­ру­ем­ся на за­да­ни­ях:

1. I will never forget to meet/meeting the president.

2. I regret to inform/informing you that your flight has been cancelled.

3. Call Jane and tell her that I forgot to tell/telling her I will need her tomorrow.

4. Do you remember to see/seeing this film?

5. Alex stopped to take/taking taxis to work as it was expensive.

6. The archaeologist tried to find/finding the ruins of the city but failed.

7. She always remembers to walk/walking her dog before leaving for work.

8. I regret to shout/shouting at the child. Now I’m ashamed.

9. He stopped to make/making himself a cup of tea and continued to work.

10. You should try to travel/travelling abroad if you want to practice speaking English.

Про­верь­те себя:

1. I will never forget meeting the president.

2. I regret to inform you that your flight has been cancelled.

3. Call Jane and tell her that I forgot to tell her I will need her tomorrow.

4. Do you remember seeing this film?

5. Alex stopped taking taxis to work as it was expensive.

6. The archaeologist tried to find the ruins of the city but failed.

7. She always remembers to walk her dog before leaving for work.

8. I regret shouting at the child. Now I’m ashamed.

9. He stopped to make himself a cup of tea and continued to work.

10. You should try travelling abroad if you want to practice speaking English.


Про­дол­жим изу­чать гла­го­лы, при­ни­ма­ю­щие раз­ное зна­че­ние с ге­рун­ди­ем и с ин­фи­ни­ти­вом:

Go on

Go on + to infinitive = then

After reading the story, she went on to write a report. – После того как она про­чи­та­ла рас­сказ, она стала пи­сать отчет.

Go on gerund = continue

She went on reading though she was very tired. – Она про­дол­жа­ла чи­тать, хотя и была очень устав­шей.


Mean to infinitive = intend

I didn’t mean to be rude. – Я не хотел быть гру­бым.

Mean + gerund = involve

Looking for a job means attending a lot of interviews. – По­ис­ки ра­бо­ты вклю­ча­ют в себя (под­ра­зу­ме­ва­ют) по­се­ще­ние мно­же­ства ин­тер­вью.

Be sorry

Be sorry + to infinitive = regret, apologize for a present action

We are sorry to hear that you have lost your job. – Нам очень жаль слы­шать, что ты по­те­рял ра­бо­ту.

I’m sorry to say this but your work is very bad. – Мне жаль это го­во­рить, но ваша ра­бо­та очень пло­хая.

Be sorry for + gerund = apologize for an earlier action

We are sorry for being late. – Нам очень жаль, что мы опоз­да­ли.

Be afraid

Be afraid + to infinitive = the subject is too frightened to do smth

I’m afraid to drive my father’s car. – Я боюсь во­дить ма­ши­ну моего отца.

Be afraid of + gerund = the subject is afraid that this may happen

I don’t want to drive my father’s car. I’m afraid of crashing it. – Я не хочу во­дить ма­ши­ну моего отца. Я боюсь ее раз­бить.


Про­верь­те, как вы усво­и­ли прой­ден­ную тему:

1. Remember (buy) presents for all your relatives and friends before the New Year’s Day.

2. I don’t remember (see) this film before.

3. I regret (tell) you that you have won nothing.

4. I regret (leave) the party early. It was such fun.

5. Learning English means (study) hard.

6. He means (invite) you to the party.

7. Don’t forget (send) greeting cards to your relatives.

8. I will never forget (visit) London on Christmas days.

9. On the way home he stopped (buy) some flowers.

10. The car doesn’t start. – Why don’t you try (fill) the tank with some petrol?

11. I love (celebrate) New Year at home.

12. They begin (decorate) the New Year tree before the holiday every year.

Про­верь­те себя:

1. Remember to buy presents for all your relatives and friends before the New Year’s Day.

2. I don’t remember seeing this film before.

3. I regret to tell you that you have won nothing.

4. I regret leaving the party early. It was such fun.

5. Learning English means studying hard.

6. He means to invite you to the party.

7. Don’t forget to send greeting cards to your relatives.

8. I will never forget visiting London on Christmas days.

9. On the way home he stopped to buy some flowers.

10. The car doesn’t start. – Why don’t you try filling the tank with some petrol?

11. I love celebrating New Year at home.

12. They try to decorate the New Year tree before the holiday every year.






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