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    Решение задания:

    • Альбина Геннадьевна

      Альбина Геннадьевна

      Задание 1.

      1/ The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was written by C. S. Lewis.

      2/ The story is set in 1940, in an imaginary place called Narnia.

      3/ In the book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe one of the characters discovers a secret door in a wardrobe. This door leads to a magical kingdom - Narnia- with characters that include a witch and a lion.

      In the book, Charlie and four other children win a tour of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. The other four winners are spoilt children and they each end up having terrible accidents. One falls into a chocolate river.

      4/ The films were released  in  1971, 2005, 2008 and 2010. 

      Остальное в презентации, там все переводы текстов.
